Because of the complexity, there is also a challenge in managing technical debt and managing one Tech Stack (or limited at least). The real power of Core compute or SDV is in the scalability but this is not managed if we don't have enough foresight (or perhaps a magic ball, some would say). How the architecture itself will evolve, to me is the million dollar question, and also capable of taking some companies down, if there are drastic failures.

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IF we say high cohesion to be incentivized in SDV SW architecture dose that mean Vehicle centralization is going to be fantasy

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It is still possible to have software functions in the same hardware, but requires a clean and structured SW architecture that enables cohesion (by for example defining classes of software components and not allowing new classes unless really needed), and enough distribution of functionality between software components such that there is low coupling (i.e. less number of interfaces in and out of each software component).

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Tightly coupled design have always been a nightmare. I probably did not understand how SDV with high speed network is related here?

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High speed networking reduces the near-term cost of increasing coupling by making increased numbers of data flow "free". It does not force tighter coupling, but by removing the network cost to tighter coupling it makes it more likely you'll end up there without some other controls on architecture. Those controls are often lacking.

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What impact does the development of the$25k EV have on the search for an elegant SDV?

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It is likely that a one-size-fits-all approach won't span from very low cost to high-end luxury vehicles. Every time I've seen that tried in the past it has failed.

Nonetheless, coupling and cohesion still matter. The cost/effort operating points along that curve are just a bit different.

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Like! Some truth in this. Tom

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