Just reading your comments for the first time and wondering if you are a member of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Started by 6 physicians in 1957, membership expanded to other professionals and countries. Great organization that I was a member of for many years before my retirement from Academic Emergency Medicine. Worth taking a look at.
I got picked up by one while using Lyft when I was at a conference a few weeks ago and definitely struggled to open the door getting in to the car. Then once the ride was over I couldn’t easily figure out how to get out, and the driver was rather annoyed while he tried to point over his shoulder. I would imagine he’s annoyed that he may have to do that multiple times a day!
Similar use issue, just the other way around when I rented a Tesla once- it took me 20 minutes just to figure out how to lock it! Referenced the owners manual (in the glove box) first, didn’t work out, then went online using my phone and after a few more attempts finally got it. It was extremely frustrating (can’t lock the car for fuck’s sake, seriously?) and humiliating- I’m fairly handy, and this happened when I was 47 years old! Truly bizarre.
The devil is in the details, in particular in the case of very complex systems like today’s vehicles. User friendly design and thorough testing should be priorities even for seemingly simple devices like door looks.
Just reading your comments for the first time and wondering if you are a member of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Started by 6 physicians in 1957, membership expanded to other professionals and countries. Great organization that I was a member of for many years before my retirement from Academic Emergency Medicine. Worth taking a look at.
I got picked up by one while using Lyft when I was at a conference a few weeks ago and definitely struggled to open the door getting in to the car. Then once the ride was over I couldn’t easily figure out how to get out, and the driver was rather annoyed while he tried to point over his shoulder. I would imagine he’s annoyed that he may have to do that multiple times a day!
Manual door handles should be required on all cars.
Similar use issue, just the other way around when I rented a Tesla once- it took me 20 minutes just to figure out how to lock it! Referenced the owners manual (in the glove box) first, didn’t work out, then went online using my phone and after a few more attempts finally got it. It was extremely frustrating (can’t lock the car for fuck’s sake, seriously?) and humiliating- I’m fairly handy, and this happened when I was 47 years old! Truly bizarre.
How did you figure out how to open the glove box? It's equally unobvious. :-(
The devil is in the details, in particular in the case of very complex systems like today’s vehicles. User friendly design and thorough testing should be priorities even for seemingly simple devices like door looks.